The critical information summary contains important information about your plan, including what you need to pay, your contract length and the charge which apply if you cancel early. You are responsible for any use of your service, whether you authorise it or not. Our Standard Form of Agreement applies to all the services we supply you. Any data allowances provided to you expire each month. Some usage is excluded from your plans allowances and will be billed to you separately. You will be charged for any usage in excess of, or excluded from your plan. If you use your service to purchase goods, services or content from a third party, we will debit the charges for this from your account. If you cancel or we cancel your plan during your minimum term, we will charge you and ETC which is outlined in your critical information summary.
You have received, read and understood the critical information summary for your plan;
- All the information provided in this application is correct;
- If you are not the account holder, you are authorised to sign and accept the terms of this agreement on the behalf of the account holder;
- We may, subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth):
- Disclose information about you and/or your business provided to us in this application to a credit reporting agency for the purpose of obtaining and maintaining a credit information file about you/your business, and to another credit provider or a collection agent for the purpose of collecting overdue payment relating to credit owed by you/your business and applying default on you/your business; and
- Obtain and use information about your credit worthiness (including a consumer or commercial credit report) from a credit reporting agency, credit provider or other business that reports on credit worthiness for the purpose of assessing an application (including the application and any application for additional services) or collecting overdue payments. “You” and “Your” refers to the account holder and the account holders authorised signatory (If Applicable).
By entering your name below and submitting this application for service you agree to enter into a contact with The George Baini Group Proprietary Limited (ACN: 603 593 068 and ABN: 68 603 593 068) for the minimum term stated within the application. You agree to the terms and conditions stated in the Critical Information Summary and the Standard Form of Agreements. You also agree to the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Statement and Security Policy found on The George Baini Group website.